A vegan nail polish blog. A celebration of colour and light, as well as of justice for nonhuman animals.

Archive for the ‘Lacquer Lust’ Category

Two Grasshoppers and some stamping

I have a very spring-appropriate mani to show you today πŸ™‚


Grasshoppa’ by Eat Sleep Polish, the main polish in this mani, is unfortunately no longer available. It’s a great mint green with various shapes and sizes of pink and off-white matte glitters, lots of gold fleck shimmer, and the creme base also has holo although it’s hard to tell in most lighting what with everything that’s going on in this awesome polish! But the holo was quite apparent when I was riding the elevator at work, gotta love elevator LED lighting! πŸ˜‰


I used two coats of Grasshoppa’ plus top coat.


On my ring finger and thumb I used the second grasshopper polish, BB Couture Grasshopper.


It’s a lighter more celery/yellow-toned green with some fine iridescent gold-green glitter in it.


The BB Couture polish was kind of streaky and needed four coats plus top coat for complete coverage and evenness, but dry time was pretty good. I love this combo!


I decided to add some stamping to the accent nails. I wanted to coordinate with the larger pink hex glitter in Grasshoppa’ so I used Pink Tourmaline by Lacquer Lust to stamp with. It stamped quite well using my Messy Mansion rectangular stamper.


The design is from Bundle Monster plate BM-04. I stamped it once on each ring finger and twice on the thumbs, once on each side in opposite directions.


I love this mani so much! πŸ˜€
