A vegan nail polish blog. A celebration of colour and light, as well as of justice for nonhuman animals.

OPI Fly and comparisons

At the risk of making it seem like all I post is OPI, here’s yet another one! This is OPI Fly from their recently released Nicki Minaj collection. I wasn’t going to get any polishes from this collection but when I saw them in store I couldn’t resist getting Fly. I’m powerless against turquoise!

I didn’t have any good light for swatching but I figured I’d just do it anyway. This is two coats of Fly, no top coat, in natural overcast light.
OPI Fly, overcast natural light

With Flash:
OPI Fly, with flash

Since I’m a total sucker for this kind of colour, I (of course) already had a polish that is very, very close to Fly, that polish being Milani’s Fresh Teal, which is one of their neons. I also added Kleancolor Catch Me to my comparison, since it’s fairly similar as well.

These are all two coats, no top coat – index and ring: OPI Fly, middle and pinky: Milani Fresh Teal, thumb: Kleancolor Catch Me.

In overcast natural light:
OPI Fly, Milani Fresh Teal, Kleancolor Catch Me, overcast natural light

With flash:
OPI Fly, Milani Fresh Teal, Kleancolor Catch Me, with flash

OPI Fly, Milani Fresh Teal, Kleancolor Catch Me, with flash

OPI Fly, Milani Fresh Teal, Kleancolor Catch Me, with flash

Milani Fresh Teal is just a tiny smidgen brighter and greener than Fly. I found the Milani more opaque than the OPI at one coat (it could probably be a one-coater if you use a thick coat). Both applied really well and were self-leveling.

The Kleancolor is similar to Fresh Teal in terms of hue but is a few shades lighter (and is the most opaque of these three polishes, easily a one-coater, like a lot of Kleancolor cremes are); I just thought I’d add it for comparison’s sake.

I should probably redo this comparison when there’s sun to do a better job of showing the differences, as the flash tends to wash things out…

My preference/recommendation between Fly and Fresh Teal is Fresh Teal. Not only is it less expensive it’s also a bit more opaque and brighter.

Comments on: "OPI Fly and comparisons" (2)

  1. beachgal12 said:

    I like the Fresh Teal from this photo better too…but while I have a place I can buy OPI about 30 miles from my house…no one sells Milani for about 200 miles around me! Now that’s just a shame I think.

    • Same here; I’ve actually bought almost all of my Milanis online from places like beautyjoint and cherryculture! There’s one store I know of nearby that carries Milanis, but the selection is only like 10 or 12 of them, occasionally a few are rotated in & out with the seasons, but still not a huge variety overall. Wish I knew somewhere IRL that carried alllll of them!

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